Wednesday, February 15, 2012

RAW -n- unedited.

I recently took my first trip to Venice Beach, CA.  I fell in love with not only the place but with the people as well.  It's a different way of life.  People embrace the little things and are enjoying every moment they have.  This is a place where I felt accepted and welcome, even though none of the people I came across knew anything about me...they accept you for who you are.  As I was sitting in front of my computer, deciding which images to share, how to edit them etc....I started to think to myself.."Why should I need to edit photos from such a beautiful place where I experienced so many unforgettable moments?  If I need to edit anything, I haven't done my job as a photographer."  I mean, at the end of the day, it's my personal goal, as a photographer, to get everything correct "in camera" and not to have to edit out all the imperfections.  It's the imperfections that make the photograph. So here are my photos, RAW and unedited.  Enjoy :)
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